Term Paper Writing

How Do You Write a Term Paper?

As a student, there comes a time when your professor will ask you to write a term paper. A term paper is basically an assignment that is used to assess a student’s understanding of the course materials covered during a semester. This kind of assignment is quite useful in calculating your final mark at the end of the semester. Thus, you should be keen to write a high quality paper that reflects your analytical and research skills including your ability to present a point of view and support it with credible and reliable evidence.

Probably, the toughest part of writing a term paper is getting started. But, this should not be a problem at all since, like the common phrase goes, the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Thus, it is good to just make the first step in writing your term paper depending on what you feel would lead you to the right direction. Maybe you feel that you should start by identifying some creative titles, reading online about the process of writing a term paper, creating a structure or consulting with your professor. Whatever step you feel is appropriate, take it and within no time, you shall find yourself completing your term paper.

Let’s assume that your first step in this journey of writing your term paper is reading through online resources about term papers. Hooray! You’ve made the right move. This great resource will give you the best guide on how to write a term paper. So, let’s go!

Pre-writing stage

Before you start writing your term paper, you must make some preparations so as to make your writing process smooth. The first step is finding a topic for your term paper. You are lucky if your professor has already chosen a topic for you. Choosing a good topic for your term paper can be a difficult task especially if you are beginner. But the greatest tip is to choose a topic that you find interesting so as to be able to enjoy the writing process. Performing extensive research, especially online, is a good step towards writing a high quality term paper. You will find countless samples of term papers that you can use to lay a foundation for writing your term paper. You should, however, avoid copy pasting information from these samples since that amounts to plagiarism, which is a serious academic offence.

After choosing a topic that addresses the requirements given by your professor, you proceed to collecting data that is relevant to your topic. You should make use of your library to access credible sources of information including books, journals, professional papers, sample papers submitted by students from your institution in the past and government publications. If you are doing distance learning or cannot access the library physical due to various reasons, you do not have to worry about how to get your sources. Thanks to the Internet, you can now access your library resources online. Apart from your e-library, you can also access credible open-access documents online. Ensure that you use recent sources, preferably not older than five years. Be sure to also take notes, prepare a bibliography and organize your points in systematic order depending on their importance or relevance to your term paper.  A good way of organizing your ideas is by developing an outline that will be helpful when it comes to the actual writing process.

Writing Stage

Equipped with all the information that you gathered during the pre-writing stage, you are now ready to start writing your term paper. Writing a well-organized term paper requires you to follow a proper format. If your professor has not given you any specific format to follow, you may use the following format which guarantees the production of a comprehensive term paper that will earn you a good grade.

Abstract: This is also sometimes referred to as the Executive Summary. It is usually written last since it contains a brief summary of the main points discussed in your term paper.

Introduction: This is the section where you introduce your reader to the topic you are discussing in your term paper. This part should capture the interest of your reader and hook them to your paper. You should also clearly state your objective (s) of writing the paper as well as the approach that you will use in presenting information in your entire paper. The most crucial part of the introduction part is the thesis statement which is the last part of your introduction as it provides a brief summary of the main claim or point being made by your term paper. The thesis statement is usually a one-sentence statement which provides a roadmap for writing your term paper; your entire paper revolves around this statement.

Main body: As the name suggests, this is the major section of your term paper. In this section, you provide a thorough discussion of your ideas. Each idea should be discussed in its own paragraph, followed by supporting evidence and examples. Be sure to follow the outline you prepared in the preliminary research stage so to avoid being all over in your writing. Your ideas should smoothly transition from one paragraph to the next. Furthermore, it is crucial to properly cite all the sources of information that you have used in supporting your ideas.

Conclusion: This is the section where you summarize the main points discussed in your entire term paper. You should prove your critical analysis skills by drawing meaningful conclusions from your research and providing any recommendations if necessary. You may also call for further research on your topic or a part related to your topic.

Reference List: Depending on the reference style suggested by your professor, you should properly list all the references used in your paper. References appear on a new page right after the conclusion part.

After writing your term paper, it is essential to proofread it several times to correct any errors you might find. You can also request one or two of your classmates to go through your term paper and give you any comments regarding any changes you should make. Satisfied that your term paper is now well-written, you can proceed to include a title page, if the professor’s instructions say so, and page numbers. Submit your paper to your professor for marking.

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